10 Easiest Online Writing Jobs for Beginners

Are you looking for the easiest online writing jobs for beginners that can help you kickstart your writing career? If yes, then this article is exactly what you need!

We give you the ten easiest online writing jobs for beginners that will guarantee you some income. These writing jobs will not only help you improve your writing skills but also provide you with an opportunity to earn some money as a writer.

Read on to find more about writing online jobs that pay, and online writing jobs from home that could be great for you!

Freelance Writing

Freelance writing is a perfect way to start your writing career. Many companies are looking for talented writers, and they’re willing to pay for it. You can start by creating a profile on freelance platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, or Freelancer.com. As you gain more experience, you can charge higher rates and attract better clients.


Blogging is another excellent opportunity as an online writing job for beginners. Not only does it help you build your writing skills, but it can also be an excellent way to promote your work and build a following. You can start by creating a blog on platforms like WordPress or Blogger and writing about topics you’re passionate about.


Copywriting is a writing job that involves writing promotional content for businesses. The content can be in the form of ads, email marketing, or social media posts. It’s essential to develop skills such as persuasive writing, writing compelling headlines, and creating a call-to-action that compels readers to act.

Grant Writing

Do you enjoy researching and writing about charities or non-profit organizations? Then grant writing would be a perfect fit as an online writing job that pays. Grant writing involves creating proposals to secure funding for a particular project or cause, and can be done from home.

Social Media Content Writing

Social media content writing involves creating content for businesses for social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. These jobs require you to be creative, understand the target audience, and write engaging content. Social media content writing is especially a good option if you are not well-experienced in the writing world. There are many platforms that offer learning opportunities on social media content writing.

Technical Writing

Technical writing involves writing documentation, manuals, memos, or reports for businesses or organizations. You’ll need to write in a precise, clear language, and explain complex ideas in an understandable way.

Article Writing

Article writing involves researching and writing engaging content on various topics for websites, blogs, or magazines. It’s a great way to build your writing skills and improve your research methods. There are different websites such as Upwork, and Freelancer.com, you can use to find article writing jobs.


Scriptwriting involves writing scripts for movies, TV shows, or plays, so it requires a different set of writing skills. If you are looking for an online writing job that pays, then this is it! Scriptwriting is also a great chance to showcase your creativity, writing skills, and storytelling skills all while bringing in some bucks!

Resume Writing

Resume writing involves creating resumes and cover letters for clients who are looking for a new job. You’ll need to be skilled in writing clear, concise, and compelling resumes that highlight your client’s skills and experience.

Academic Writing

Academic writing involves writing research papers, essays, or thesis for students or academic institutions. It’s an excellent opportunity for writers who are interested in exploring different fields of study. Academic writing is fun and gives you a chance to explore different fields. Platforms you can get endless academic writing jobs includes Freelancer and Upwork.

Tips on where to apply the easiest online writing jobs for beginners

You can also find some of the easiest online writing jobs for beginners on here:


There’s a wide range of online writing jobs available for beginners. The key is to find the right one that fits your skills and interests. By starting with these ten online jobs, any beginner writer can start building their writing career from home.

So, don’t wait any longer and kick-start your writing career today! With a little effort and dedication, you can be well on your way to becoming a successful and skilled writer. Take the first step today!

Remember to set realistic expectations, work hard, and be persistent. Online writing jobs require consistency, for them to be rewarding over time. There is no better time to start than now! If online writing is for you, then take up that first step by signing up on a website and start looking for writing jobs that suit you!

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